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Presentatie 7 oktober

Development and successful implementation of E-Health services


Place: Enschede

Date: October 6 2005

Time: 10.00-17.30

Costs: € 65.00

Student: € 25

Thursday 6 October 2005

Development and successful implementation of E-Health services

Enschede, The Netherlands

Many people of various disciplines seriously believe that ICT can solve at least part of the problems which our health care system is faced with. During the past years indeed

technology has developed at an incredible speed enabling the necessary infrastructure and

other facilities. However, despite these developments, successful E-Health services are still really scarce. Apparently, other factors determine a successful implementation.

As part of the European HelloDoc project, a one day congress is organized, in which we

invited keynote speakers to share their ideas of E-Health services and their experiences in the implementation trajectory. The final program is included. We expect that sharing these experiences will contribute to more successful implementations of E-Health services in the near future.

For who

People involved in the development and implementation of E-Health services: health care

providers, researchers and industry in the areas of ICT and biomedical engineering, healthcare insurances and policy makers.


The congress will take place at the Dish-hotel in Enschede, the Netherlands at October the 6th of 2005.

Maximal number of participants is set to 150.


Registration fee is 65 € . Special student rate is 25 € . Lunch included.

This congress is organised by Roessingh Research and Development on behalf of the

European E Ten project HelloDoc, with support of ICMCC and IZIT.

afbeelding logo RRD afbeelding logo E-Ten


10:00 Welcome, coffee

10:15 Opening

Prof. Dr. H.J. Hermens, Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, The Netherlands

10:30 The IZIT concept for regional E- Health

Dr. M. van Hees, Innovatie van Zorg door ICT in Twente (IZIT), Enschede, The Netherlands

11:00 Experiences with E-health services in Germany

Dr. S. Lilischkis, Empirica, Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung, Bonn, Germany

11:30 Coffee, tea and demonstrations

12:00 Policy Developments and some general remarks on the introduction of IT in health care business

Dr. W.H. Salzmann, College voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ), The Netherlands

12:30 Development and clinical experiences of HCad home treatment system for at home training of hand function

Dr. S. Scattareggia, Signo Motus (Situs), Messina, Italy

13:00 Lunch and demonstrations

14.00 Online consultation: the challenge of large scale implementation

Drs. S.F.F. Verlinden, physician, medical director dokterdokter.nl

14.30 TeleDermatology in the Netherlands

Dr. L. Witkamp, KSYOS TeleDermatologie Consultatie Systeem, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

15.00 TeleFysi: a consultancy service for physical therapists

Dr. M.M.R. Vollenbroek-Hutten, Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, The Netherlands

15.30 Tea break

16:00 M-health services: from academic concept to commercial exploitation

Prof. Dr. D. Konstantas, Universities of Twente (CTIT) and Geneva, Switzerland

16:30 General discussion

17.00 Drinks

Development and Successful implementation of E-Health Service

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Laatst gewijzigd op 28-09-2005 11:48:33
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